Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Irony of Craft

It is a difficult to know which road to choose when deciding which kind of art one would like to make, whether it be the humanity of craftsmanship, or the all-consuming monumentality of the concept. In this postmodern day and age when all services are available and anything is possible it seems that the only irony left to explore is the irony of being dedicated to a craft.

Simple Town

Simple Town is a comic strip that I have had in the back of my mind for some time.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Musketeer's Creed?

One of the most reassuring and intelligent points of view to resurface in the political arena started with Senator Obama’s keynote speech some 4 years ago in which he declared we are the “ United States of America.” Given the cultural, religious, and economic diversity within the states it seems fitting that a political agenda start with that premise. E Pluribus Unum.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Porn in Politics

I recently read about Hustlers Sara Palin porn flick " Who's Nailin' Pailin? " and have to admit was somewhat entertained by the idea. Even the part in the script that engages her in a friendly neighborhood romp with a couple of Russian troopers didn't offend me much. I thought it was a rather crude but telling way of poking fun at her foreign policy experience.

However, to engage Palin with Condelazza Rice, and Hillary Clinton in the political tête-à-tête of the winter seems a bit excessive. Regardless, if you can't get beyond the MILF status bestowed upon Mrs. Palin, or her inability to address the pressing issues of our day with little more then populist rhetoric, I don't feel that it is fair to place her in such a harrowing role with Mrs. Clinton and Ms. Rice. Women who have proven themselves to be diplomatic leaders.

To Mr. Flynt let politics run its course, and let people decide through political Q and A rather then crude T and A. It seems a bit premature to compeltley deconstruct a woman who still has the opportunity to be president and prove herself to be more then a shotgun toting, Caribou killing, Barbie blow up doll.